The Power of Personal Narratives (Journey Lines)

My Personal Journey Line

Earlier this year, while attending a workshop for Teaching Trust, I had the opportunity to create a personal journey line that was composed of a series of events that led me to the present. Essentially, journey lines are constructed to reinforce individual and collective experiences, since childbirth, that serve as a visual representation of pivotal turning points in one's life that eventually led them to the teaching profession. This activity reminded me of the importance of providing personal narratives to build relationships in the classroom. By giving more insight of our own experiences, we are showing signs of vulnerability that enables others to sympathize and/or empathize with us.  I noticed that I would build better relationships with my students each time I would bring up my family, friends, and/or myself. The students looked at me as if I was.......human. They asked questions. They showed signs of curiosity and intent. Often times, we project a certain level of authority in the classroom and we lose sight on the fact that we are indeed, humans. Humans have doubts, fears, happiness, losses, gains, achievements, and life lessons. These emotions, that are inevitably a response to these conditions, can be expressed in a variety of ways. It can be mentioned within the cypher (circle), introducing a topic, or providing an example for a particular concept. Journey lines can be a dope activity to do with the students or with your coworkers. We all need to be reminded of the key events that led us to where we are today. That way we don't take ourselves, or others, for granted. For more information about journey lines, check out this website! Using Journey Lines: Insights and Ideation (

Kasna Maat Ra